Church in Society

The social statement called, “Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective,” was adopted by the ELCA in 1991. In the introduction, it states that “the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is called to be part of the ecumenical Church of Jesus Christ in the context in which God has placed it – a diverse, divided, and threatened global society on a beautiful, fragile planet. In faithfulness to its calling, this church is committed to defend human dignity, to stand with the poor and powerless people, to advocate justice, to work for peace, and to care for the earth in the processes and structures of contemporary society.” We as members of the body of Christ in the world are all called to be participants in society, witnessing to the love and justice of God through word and deed. And as is the case with many things, it is easier to love the world through word and deed with the help and encouragement of our siblings in Christ.

The Church in Society Committee of the Southwestern Pennsylvania synod is charged with the responsibility of listening and speaking to society on behalf of the synod, as well as educating and empowering members of our synod in regards to the following issues: peace and justice advocacy; hunger concerns, global and domestic; environmental stewardship; poverty and unemployment, social ministry advocacy; and inclusiveness within our synod. Special task-forces within our synod relating to these responsibilities include Hunger, Immigration, Inclusiveness and Diversity, and an Environmental Stewardship task-force that is still in formation.

Serving, Connecting, & Equipping Congregations:

This committee works to bring people together around issues of social justice that affect our communities. This happens through education, service, and advocacy on the local and state levels.

How can congregations support Church in society?

Members of local congregations can serve on different task forces like Hunger, Immigration, and Environmental Stewardship that fall under this committee. Participation in any education and service events is always encouraged. Advocacy is also an ongoing opportunity, especially in partnership with organizations like LAMPa (Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania).


to get involved, contact:

Pastor Sarah Rossing