Civic Life and Faith Study Curriculum


The ELCA Task Force on Studies for Civic Life and Faith has released a study curriculum for use throughout our church. In providing this study curriculum and soliciting feedback, the task force invites you to join a conversation about religious liberty, the proper role of the church in relation to government, and many other critical topics. A response form after each session lets participants communicate with the task force itself on the material covered.

The preparation of this study is part of the process toward developing a social statement on these many topics related to civic life and faith. Participants’ feedback is key in helping the task force as it moves into the next phase of its work, drafting a social statement. The study response period is open through Oct. 15.

The curriculum has six sessions. The first is a core introduction, and the following sessions can be done in any order according to the interests of the group. Each session comes ready to use, with a teaching video, prayers, hymn suggestions, Scriptures, group discussion questions, suggested resources, and case studies taken from everyday life.

If you have questions, please reach out to To learn more about the task force and its work, visit