Truth & Healing Movement


Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton announces the ELCA’s participation in the Truth and Healing Movement.

The ELCA Truth and Healing Movement is an opportunity to engage in educational and action-based activities around our church’s call to learn about and respond to the history and current realities of Indigenous people. Opportunities (both live and pre-recorded) can be found at Truth & Healing Movement - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (

This work springs forth from A Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to American Indian and Alaska Native People and the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly’s adoption of the Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery.

In October, opportunities include:

  • Presentation on the Settler Narrative, 10/24/2023, 8pm

  • Class on Indigenous Thought and Theology, 10/26/2023, 8pm

Introductory pre-recorded classes already available include Introduction to the Truth and Healing Movement, Indian 101, and conversations with survivors of Indian Boarding Schools and their descendents. These are led/facilitated by Vance Blackfox, the ELCA’s director for Indigenous Ministries and Tribal Relations.