Care with the Word


Dear Pastors, Deacons and Lay Worship Leaders,

            Another Ember Day is coming soon!

            And not just a day for lively continuing education and collegial fellowship.  But two gatherings that together provide a significant opportunity of formation for us in responding faithfully to the ministry of the Word in our current context.  This work is so important that I not only strongly encourage you to attend; I expect that you will.

            On September 12 we will study the new ELCA document, Preaching and Teaching “With Love and Respect for the Jewish People,” in conversation with Pr. Peter Pettit, who is one of the two primary authors.  While the document is filled with quality scholarship and practical guidance for preaching and teaching, its spirit invites us to respond with purposeful care in a time when anti-Semitism is increasing in our country.  This gathering will be held at Trinity, Wexford.

            Then on February 6, 2024, at Rodef Shalom Congregation on Fifth Avenue in Pittsburgh, we will put what we learned into practice.  ELCA Executive for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, Kathryn Lohre will join Pr. Pettit and Rabbi Sharyn Henry and others for panel conversations that move what we learned in September into active collaboration to combat anti-Semitism in our region.

            Formation begins with examining carefully how our preaching and teaching using lectionary texts in our services of worship can bear more faithful witness to the mission of God in the world and avoid perpetuating unintended but problematic interpretations in regard to the Jewish people.  I am inviting our Lay Worship Leaders to this Ember Day specifically to widen the influence of this study on the preaching and teaching that takes place across our synod.

            Registration is open at  Because it is my expectation that you will attend, if you find the $15 registration fee to be an obstacle, let me know so that I can provide a scholarship for you.  Conversely, if you correctly deduced that the $15 registration fee can’t possibly cover all the expenses that such an event incurs, and if you would like to contribute in joy to the overall success of the event by remitting a larger amount, you may do so.  Synod funds will, of course, cover all the costs; but as my own investment in the value of this opportunity for all the preachers in our synod, I will remit more than the minimum $15 with my registration.

            The steadfast love of the Lord we encounter in Holy Scripture is inclusive, expansive, and filled with grace.  The ministry of the Word proclaims this love with clarity and courage.  Our diligence in preaching and teaching really does help to challenge and overcome suspicion, hate and violence.  Please do attend the September 12 event as a commitment to such diligence.  I expect to see you there.

With you in Christ,


Bishop Kurt F. Kusserow