Your Help Will Support Our Congregations in 2023


Emma (5) & Cole (6)

Emma is five years old and finally old enough to build gingerbread on her own. Her mom laughs remembering Emma’s first of the annual gingerbread parties at Oak Grove Lutheran Church: that they had to dress her in bright baby clothes to be able to spot her as the whole congregation took a turn holding her! And at next year’s gingerbread party, Emma may get to celebrate the tradition with a new pastor because Oak Grove is currently in the call process.

This congregation has much to look forward to in 2023. They are seeking a pastor who is able to connect with young families like Emma’s; someone who will be there for gingerbread, and VBS, and confirmation (when Emma and her big brother are old enough), and other special moments her parents can’t even imagine yet. And Oak Grove is just one of 150 congregations in our synod, each of which has its own hopes for the year ahead, and many blessings to look forward to.

A financial gift to the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod will provide support for every one of our congregations going into 2023.

Because our synod exists as a collective of shared resources and mutual care, a gift to one is a gift to all. The financial changes of recent years have affected each of us differently and so have had an uneven impact on our congregations. Yes, this has created a funding deficit for the synod, but I am convinced that as a synod we can live even now in joy and hope as we look forward to our future.

Young Emma does not yet know whom God is calling to be her pastor, but I have no doubt there are happy memories and cherished traditions to come with her congregation. My confidence comes from knowing how our synod will be supporting Oak Grove through every step of the call process, through the installation of their new pastor, and continuing for the years to come.

The same is true for our whole synod. I do not know whom God is calling to respond in hope in this time of financial strain, but I have no doubt that our connection to one another will support our way forward and that there is much good that will unfold from this moment. Our Lord Jesus encourages us with his bold words, “Strive first for the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

Would you support our mission—and in that way support our unfolding ministry in 2023—with a financial gift to the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod?

Thank you for your shared love for the people who make up our synod, for the gifts you have already given through your congregation, and for giving beyond in this moment as a means of care for those who cannot.

With you in Christ,


Bishop Kurt F. Kusserow

Or donate by check, made out to "SWPA Synod"

Mail to:

SWPA Synod
Attn: Pastor Stoller
1014 Perry Hwy, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15237